• Question: What is so interesting about coding?

    Asked by Deciphered_Cipher to David on 6 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: David Howard

      David Howard answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      It’s a bit like a totally open ended puzzle which can be solved in lots of different ways. You typically have messy data in one format that you need to tidy and extract the bits that are useful. Then you write some more code which runs an analysis on the data to test whether your hypothesis is correct, for example, a particular gene influences how tall you are. You can then also use coding to collate all your findings and produce a graphic of the results.
      I have always enjoyed writing bits of coding, first on an acorn electron when I was a kid and then building websites and now using it to examine the genome. It is the satisfaction of getting something to work from scratch in exactly the way you want it to.
