• Question: do u like Spanish?

    Asked by emilton to Matt on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Matt Bawn

      Matt Bawn answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      Spanish the language? Yes I lived in Peru for 2 years so I learnt quite a bit through necessity. Actually before I moved there I had quite a lot of Spanish speaking friends and though I was OK at it. Then I moved to Peru and understood nothing! The first year was really hard and I didn’t enjoy it at all, but then little by little I became more confident and got more fluent and really enjoyed the experience (The same could be said of studying science). Thats somethimg that is great about my job I could work anywhere I wanted to and experience any culture. In my mind I think it would be quite fun to work in Italy and learn Italian so maybe in the future I’ll do something like that.
